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Certificate in Wellness and Health Coaching

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There are plenty to choose from if you're interested in a certificate program for health and well-being coaching. This degree is offered by Emory University and Duke University. MCC and Precision Nutrition are also available. These programs are taught by professionals in the health, fitness, and wellness industries. They can help you improve your skills and provide training for your clients.

Emory University

Emory University has a certificate program in wellness and health coaching that will help you get a job in the field of wellness. This program prepares graduates for Six Sigma principles, evidence-based behavior change techniques, and Six Sigma principles in healthcare. The program is designed to encourage positive behavior change in order for students to maximize their potential and reach meaningful goals.

The certificate program includes 2 introductory online live classes followed by 2 intensive weekend classes. You'll also take self-paced recorded classes covering the health & wellness topics required by the National Board for Health and Wellness Certification (NBHWC). You'll need to attend at least five practice coaching sessions with peers in order for you to graduate. You will be guided by a professional health coach during these sessions.


You will gain a foundation in holistic methods to wellness and health through the Duke Certificate in Health and Wellness Coach program. Students are exposed to both conventional health practices that promote health and prevent disease, as well alternative methods from different wisdom traditions. Students will also acquire practical skills that can make them valuable members in the health coaching community.

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After completion of the course, students will be eligible to sit for a national certification examination. Duke's Integrative Health Coaching Program has been ranked as one of America's most rigorous coaching programs. This program requires a minimum of a bachelor's degree, as well as three to five years experience in the workplace. The entire program is completed in as little time as 10 months.


The MCC certificate is in health & wellness coaching. This program prepares students for the coaching profession. The program emphasizes client-centered communication skills, behavioral theory and hands-on training in coaching skills. This course includes a supervised practicum as well as a certification exam and case study. The course emphasizes holistic care for individuals.

The National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching approves the certificate program for health coaches. Graduates are eligible for the national exam if they have been accredited. The program includes two introductory live online classes, followed by weekly live classes and an intensive weekend. The certificate program includes live online classes as well as self-paced recorded classes covering topics related to health and wellness. Participants are required to attend 100% of weekly practice coaching sessions with their peers. Participants will also be mentored and supported by coaches who are experienced.

Precision Nutrition

Many career options are available for those who have a certificate in health and wellbeing coaching. To create a customized wellness plan, health coaches will assess the client's lifestyle and goals. Their clients are guided by them through ongoing coaching sessions and weekly actions. Although a health coach is not qualified to prescribe a particular diet or exercise program for clients, they encourage them to make healthy choices.

Some health coaches are able to specialize in a specific area of nutrition. For example, the Precision Nutrition Level 1 certification takes a scientific approach. It was established in 2005, and quickly gained credibility as a trusted health coaching certification. After successful completion of the course, students receive a Precision Nutrition Coach Level 1 certificate. The program is designed to empower clients and guide them towards healthier choices by using scientific data.

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Dr. Sears

A certificate from Dr. Sears Wellness Institute may be a good option if you're interested in a career coaching health and well-being. You do not need a bachelor's to enroll in this course, however you will be required to participate in live lectures. This course focuses on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle. The course has been accredited by 10 major health and fitness organizations.

As the number of people with chronic diseases rises, DSWI has committed to providing health coach training. Dr. William Sears has developed the curriculum. This curriculum focuses on adult and senior health, lifestyle medicine, and children's well-being. This knowledge is used by certified health coaches to help clients make lifestyle changes that will last a lifetime.


How do I determine if I require a life coach or not?

You may need extra support if you feel that you are not living up your potential. You may be a failure if you have attempted to achieve something before. Maybe you find it difficult to stay committed long enough for results.

Stress-related burnout is a condition where you have difficulty managing all aspects of your life, including work, family, friends and finances.

These are the challenges that life coaches can help you conquer.

Are life coaches worth it

The answer is straightforward. You must look for another way to get around any problem. Coaching might be for you if it is your goal to make an impact on people's lives that lasts.

Coaching is about helping others make positive changes. It takes a lot of work but the results are incredible.

You'll learn how to make yourself a better person, and also how to help others grow.

You will feel empowered and strong, and your results will last forever.

These are the questions to ask yourself if life coaching might be right for you.

  1. Do I know myself well enough to make changes in my life?
  2. Do I have the will to succeed?
  3. Are I able to make big changes in my own life? Can I dream big dreams?
  4. Do I have the desire to improve my life?
  5. How much time do I have available for coaching?
  6. What kind or support do I need to succeed?
  7. Are there hidden fees involved in being a client of a Life Coach?

What do I have to pay upfront?

No, payment isn't required until after you receive your final bill.

Many life coaches don’t charge any upfront so it is easy to begin benefiting from their expertise and not spend any money.

You will need to agree to a price if you hire a coach before you start your relationship.

Will a life coach help me lose weight?

A coach may not be able help you lose weight. A life coach can offer advice on how to reduce stress levels and build healthier habits.

A life coach can help you make positive life changes such as eating better, exercising more, and reducing alcohol intake.


  • Needing to be 100% positive and committed for every client regardless of what is happening in your own personal life (careerexplorer.com)
  • Life coaches rank in the 95th percentile of careers for satisfaction scores. (careerexplorer.com)
  • According to relationship researcher John Gottman, happy couples have a ratio of 5 positive interactions or feelings for every 1 negative interaction or feeling. (amherst.edu)
  • 80 percent of respondents said self-confidence improved, 73 percent said relationships improved, 72 percent had better communication skills, and 67 percent said they balanced work and life better. (leaders.com)
  • People with healthy relationships have better health outcomes, are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors, and have a decreased mortality risk.1 (verywellmind.com)

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How To

What questions do life coaches ask?

Coaching others is a great method to improve your life. It's also a great career for those who want to make a difference in someone else's life.

Life coaches have the ability to listen to their clients and help them to find solutions. They can guide you in any area of your life, including finances, personal development, parenting, finances, spirituality, nutrition, and spirituality.

They can help with identifying issues that may be holding you back and helping you to develop strategies for overcoming them.

A life coach may suggest ways to improve your diet and exercise habits, your social interactions, and other areas of your personal life.

A great coach will guide you in your personal journey and provide suggestions for where to start.

Some of the questions they might ask include:

  • What are your goals for life?
  • What do you feel every morning?
  • Where would you like to be in five years?
  • Who do you admire? Why?
  • What makes us happy?
  • What does success mean to you?
  • What are your fears?
  • What is your greatest strength?
  • What are some things that you need to do?
  • What's one thing you wish that you knew before you began your journey.
  • What are the three things that you love to do?
  • What are you grateful for?
  • What are your values
  • What do you value most about yourself?
  • What are the things that you don't like?
  • Are you curious about why you act/feel the way that you do?
  • Are there times when it feels like you are stuck?
  • Have you ever felt depressed?
  • What did you learn from this experience?
  • What are other people saying about you?
  • What is your opinion of yourself?
  • How do other people perceive you?
  • What does your family and friends think about you?
  • What was the most difficult thing for you?
  • What was the best piece you've ever heard?
  • What was your biggest error?
  • What are other people expecting of you?


Certificate in Wellness and Health Coaching